La décision a été, vous vous en doutez, difficile à prendre.
Les exactions et plus particulièrement la fermeture de 19h à 6h d'un tronçon de la route menant au lac de Yaté auront eu raison de l'équipe de bénévoles qui souhaitait organiser le 20 avril prochain la 3e édition du Swimrun New Caledonia.
Un départ du Swimrun 42.2 à 5h45 aurait été délicat, tout autant qu'un retour sur Nouméa des équipes organisatrices avant 19h.
Pour des raisons évidentes de sécurité des participants, spectateurs, bénévoles et organisateurs, il a donc été décidé de ne pas organiser l'édition 2025.

The decision was, as you can imagine, difficult to make.
The exactions and more particularly the closure from 7pm to 6am of a section of the road leading to the lake of Yaté have got the better of the team of volunteers who wanted to organize the 3rd edition of the Swimrun New Caledonia on April 20.
A start of the Swimrun 42.2 at 5:45am would have been tricky, as would a return to Noumea of the organizing teams before 7pm.
For obvious reasons of safety of the participants, spectators, volunteers and organizers, it was therefore decided not to organize the 2025 edition.
However, and in order not to leave our community of swimrunners without a major challenge to take up, the DynamiK team is in the process of setting up an extraordinary swimrun in Noumea for mid-March. Follow all the information on the DynamiK Facebook page.